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Posts Tagged ‘solar car

Solar energy car is a car to drive on the solar energy. Compared with the traditional engine drive cars, solar car is true zero emissions. Because of its characteristics of environmental protection, solar cars, many countries have advocated the development of automobile industry of  and vigorous.

Solar car the a-si car solar power in automotive applications, will be able to effectively reduce the global environment pollution, creating clean living environment, along with the global economy and the rapid development of science and technology, solar car as an industry has not a myth. Burning gasoline cars in the city is an important source of pollution, the automobile exhaust emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will include caused by air pollution, affect our health. Now scientists are developing countries to produce less pollution of the electric car, the hope can replace burn gasoline cars. But now the main cities in power is from the burning of fossil fuels, using electric cars will increase the demand, namely the electricity power of pollutants released indirectly.

In view of this, some environmentalists is advocated the development of solar cars, car using solar energy into electrical energy into the light energy storage battery, will keep up, to promote the motor car. Because of a solar car without burning fossil fuels, so not emit pests. It has been estimated that if the car replaced by solar fuel automobile car, each car can reduce carbon dioxide emissions 43 to 54%.

