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Posts Tagged ‘phone jammer

This amazing espow phone jammer is designed to boost 100% productivity, ensure undisturbed meetings and best of all, and provide you Big Peace.

Belifal CEO Mr. Kumaar Thakkar picture is published by New York Times and been selected for Technology coverage page on 4th of November 2007 for a special product sell known as CELL PHONE JAMMER.

Cell Phone Jammer provides the ultimate solution in any area where cellular communications frequently cause nuisance either by loud incoming call rings or loud telephone conversations. cell Phone Jammer is suitable in executive offices, board meetings, conferences, seminars, libraries, cinemas, religious places, public transport, concert halls, restaurants and educational institutions etc.

Kumaar Thakkar, who lives in Mumbai, India, and sells jammers online, said he exported 20 a month to the United States, twice as many as a year ago. Clients, he said, include owners of cafes and hair salons, and a New York school bus driver named Dan.   The kids think they are sneaky by hiding low in the seats and using their phones,Dan wrote in an e-mail message to Mr. Thakkar thanking him for selling the jammer. Now the kids can’t figure out why their phones don’t work, but can’t ask because they will get in trouble! It’s fun to watch them try to get a signal.


cell phone jammers

Sometimes, you just want to disable all cellular communications in the immediate vicinity. You may run a movie theater or an expensive restaurant, or you just may be quite particular about good manners and want to discourage your guests from the rude and annoying habit of answering cell phone calls in your home. Which of these gadgets would you most like to use to keep unwanted cell traffic out of your area?

No one can deny the fact that with the advancement of technologies, our privacy retreats. In fact, there are a number of devices which have been introduced to spy and pry our daily movements and activities. GPS is a technology that enables employers, parents and jealous lovers to track our movements by logging into a GPS tracking system at cost effective rates. The GPS (Global Positioning System) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) that employs a constellation of at least 24 medium Earth orbit satellites that transmit exact microwave signals, hence the system enables a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction and time. However, if you do not want to get determined your vehicle’s location and direction, then you can buy GPS jammer.

Mobile phone jammers is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals from or transmitting signals to base stations.

With the help of a cell phone jammer or GPS jammer, your life will be better.

by Leigh Gomez

Effective communication determines the outcome of people’s lifetheir prosperity and misfortune, their very being and death. To allow a civilian to regulate communication via a cell phone jammer is like playing Russian roulette.

phone jammer

The increasingly popular yet illegal device prevents mobile phones from transmitting and receiving signals to base stations. This mechanism does not, however, have the capability to target specific mobile phones. This leaves room for innocent bystanders to fall victim to this gadget.

The pool of plain clothed, disregarded citizens may include: a doctor, journalist, pregnant woman, and police officer. Fifteen minutes of dead air time is a recipe for disaster. Think about it.

The pregnant woman’s water breaks. The doctor calls the hospital for assistance in delivering the baby but there’s no signal. The policeman fails to reach the emergency medical services to escort the woman now in labor. The journalist recognizes the woman is someone famous but can’t call his editor to put the story on the Associated Press wire.

Their lives and careers could be compromised within minutes most likely because a commuter got annoyed by a nearby, prattling teenager. That is intolerable.

There are alternatives to eliminate undesirable actions. Users of this intrusive device must remember that, which includes: owners of restaurants and cafes, public speakers, commuters who use public transportation, librarians, teachers, etc.

Post a policy: “cell phone use prohibited. Those in violation will be asked to leave” in eateries and libraries. Implement guidelines that allow teachers to confiscate mobile phones if used in classrooms, or lower ones grades. Politely ask someone to lower his or her voice.

The Safe Prisons Communication Act is depicted as a “heaven sent” solution to block cell phone calls from inmates using cell phone jammers. The proposed legislation was introduced Jan. 15 into both houses of Congress.

The resolution seems great it can reduce organized crime and harassment behind bars. However, there’s one crucial glitch government officials mustn’t overlook.

The equipment will shut down all communication within the jail cell including that of prison guards and employees. This will undoubtedly result in one jam they cannot get themselves out of.

Security measures would have to be reevaluated, new ones implemented, and funds provided to do so. Prison workers must be able to communicate with each other at all times. Until technology advances, cell phone jammers must remain illegal in the United States of America.
