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Posts Tagged ‘eco products

There is a multitude of eco products for home and garden and more and more families are turning to eco friendly products in a bid to reduce the impact on the environment.However, when it comes to buying eco friendly products for men, there has often been a shortage of ideas which has resulted in the assumption that men are less interested in eco friendly products. And shopping for an eco gift for a man can be difficult to because while there have been traditionally many different eco friendly gift ideas for women, children and even eco friendly baby products – it can be difficult to find a green gift for male member of the family.But things are changing and there are more and more eco ideas being aimed at men released on the eco friendly market every day. Here are five great eco friendly gifts for men:

1. Barbecue Cabin – Most men love cooking outdoors but often the weather can put a halt to any barbecue but this Outdoor Cooking Cabin provides the perfect shelter to let him barbecue whenever he likes.

2. Solar Laptop charger – Men love gadgets, particularly computers. With a solar charger for laptop not only will you be able to save on electric but the Solar Gorilla Laptop Charger can be taken anywhere letting you recharge your laptop on the move – ideal for the working man.

3. Bamboo socks – The obvious gift for any man but these Bamboo Business Socks are soft, breathable and antibacterial, so they don’t give off any aromas.

4. Induction Torch – Requiring no batteries the genius little induction torch uses the Faraday principle to generate energy to power the LED-light. Just shake for 45 seconds to get five minutes worth of light – Maintenance free, no batteries or bulbs to change.

5. Dynamo Shaver – ask any man what the worst chore of the day is and you’ll get the same answer: shaving. However, electric razors can make life easier but often they require either a shaver plug being installed in the bathroom or an endless supply of batteries. However, the Piranha Dynamo Shaver requires neither a plug socket or batteries. By winding it up the internal battery can be recharged providing enough power for a shave.

More info about solar charger at:
