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What is a cell phone signal blocker?

The cell phone jammer is a tool to block mobile signals in a certain range of a few hundred meters to several kilometers. It is normally used in the events that talking on a phone can be harmful. For example, you may be banned from cricket stadiums where spectators can place their bets on the phone that is completely banned in several countries. In addition, there are large business meetings where the use of mobile profile is strictly prohibited during the period of the meeting. Although there are people who do not remember to switch the mobile off in high-profile conferences and a ring of a single phone can be expensive. For this reason Jammers are set out in these places with the intention that there would be no call from any cell phone and the summit could go quietly.

Where to use the cell phone jammer?

The other places where cell phones are installed jammers are holy places such as churches and temples, large industry associations where time profile is the richness and employees are not authorized to talk when they are working. They are also installed at the concerts and cinemas. However, in earlier times jammer is used only in those segments of security. Although today is used in other areas. Thus, the mobile phone jammer is a very useful tool because it works well even if people ignore to switch off their mobile phones. When a cell phone jammer is activated, it blocks all signals from the station to the mobile phone and vice versa. It works in the same experience that is used to stop the radio waves. Everyone knows that a cell phone works by establishing a tower called a network of specific services. These towers to facilitate the capture of signals that are relayed from the other towers. Although the cellular jammer arbitrates in a specific area by transmitting radio frequency similar to mobile phone signals and therefore, breaks the contact between the tower and the cell phone.

Types of cell phone blockers

There are lots of types of mobile jammers can be obtained and classified according to their range. Some of them are as big as rooms at the same time there are others that are as small as a piece of luggage. The larger the size of a jammer, the better the range that they could cover. Thus, a jammer room size today would cover a hundred yards, while a suitcase-sized jammer can cover only a few meters. The rate of jammers in general, differ in size.

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cell phone signal bloker is used to cease nearby cell rings from sending or receiving signals to and from the mobile phone tower.

How do cell phone signal bloker work?

A cell phone signal bloker is used by nightclub & casino owners to cease cell phone use in the building. The cell phone signal bloker also stops Web use through Wi-Fi network & even blocks Bluetooth connections. The cell phone signal bloker also puts an finish to text messaging, so students cannot SMS each other, while the teacher is trying to teach.

The range of a personal cell phone signal bloker can be from 10 meters to 100 meters. The cell phone signal bloker can also work at a distance or behind walls. Transportable cell phone signal bloker are tiny & pocket-sized, & look like cell rings themselves. The cell phone signal bloker fits in to a pack of cigarettes, so it is simple to hide. The cell phone signal bloker works well, even when it is in an enclosure. Larger cell phone signal bloker are more powerful & have a range that can be measured in miles.

cell phone signal bloker has five antennas, one each for GSM, 3G & DCS. The cell phone signal bloker works by broadcasting a white noise signal or a wave bubble. First, you need to charge the cell phone signal bloker for at least an hour. Then, you need to plug in the cell phone signal bloker, & turn it on, so cell rings in the nearness will have no service available & all calls are lost. Some cell rings switch to searching, which means their signal is knocked out. When you turn off the cell phone signal bloker, the signals normalize.

However, a cell phone signal bloker also blocks emergency calls made to doctors & first responders. For example, a cell phone signal bloker can cease the residents of a house to make a 911 call to the police, when thieves are burgling their house. This is why a cell phone signal bloker is illegal, according to telecommunications regulations in the United States. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) thinks a cell phone signal bloker interferes with the public airwaves, & a cell phone signal bloker infringes on a person’s right to make use of a cell phone. A cell phone signal bloker also interferes with medical devices, such as pacemakers, used by heart patients. You need to pay penalties, if you are found using a cell phone signal bloker.

Cell phone signal blokers are wanted by the federal government, law enforcement agencies & the military. In Iraq, terrorists use cell rings to trigger explosives. The U.S. Army can use a cell phone signal bloker to make cell rings go dead, so that army technicians can deactivate the bomb. There may even be a law that allows officials to put in cell phone signal bloker in prisons, to eliminate cell phone use by jail inmates.

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