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Posts Tagged ‘cell phone jammer law

Cell phone blocker laws vary throughout the world

The laws about cell phone blocker are different in parts of the world. In the UK and Japan, for example, anyone can have a cell phone blocker – as long as they do not use it.

Dozens of countries, including Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Turkey and others, to police or prison officials to use jammers.

Schools in China and India to stop fraudsters using jammers. Mexico to allow jammers in churches and hospitals. Interference with and Pakistan to allow banks and libraries.

Most countries, including the United States, using cell phone jammers to prevent bomb triggered by anti-government leader of the attack. As the president took office, he walked down Pennsylvania Avenue, all the phones are crowded in the area. U.S. military use of jammers to stop roadside bombs in Iraq.

Cell phone jammer is very illegal in the US

Block cell phones is illegal in the United States,very illegal. And not just ordinary citizens. This theater and the restaurant owner unlawful interference call, and even state and local police or prison officials. In fact, in the United States has been interfering cell call in the fight against strict laws around the world.

U.S. law prohibits not only buy, sell, carry or own a cell phone blocker, but also posted a Craigslist ad, claiming that you sell one. If you are a disturbance to be exposed, you will face a fine of up to 11 000 dollars and up to one year in prison.

Mobile phone blocker for the ban is not new. In fact, it is moldy old Communications Act of 1934, prohibits any interference with radio communications business, the law is not only early, but the cell phone shielding device itself.
