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Posts Tagged ‘cell phone jammer kit

A cell phone jammer kit is an gizmo used to prevent cellular rings from receiving signals from base stations. When used, the cell phone jammer kit effectively disables cellular rings. These devices can be used in practically any location, but are found primarily in places where a phone call would be disruptive because silence is expected.

Are you looking for advice on how or where to buy a cell phone jammer kit? If so, there’s several steps you ought to take before making your purchase. Since most quality cell phone jammer kit costs about $200 or more, you’ll require to be definite you buy one that will meet your needs.

When searching for cell phone jammer kit for sale, you should take the following into consideration:

  1. How long has the vendor been in business?
  2. What is the vendor’s warranty policy?
  3. Does the vendor carry a range of products, or just cell phone jammer kit?
  4. How much area do you need the cell phone jammer kit to cover?
  5. Do you need a discreet (pocket) cell phone jammer kit?
  6. Do you need a portable, fixed, or vehicle based cell phone jammer kit for your application?
  7. Are you seeking a novelty item or a real cell phone jammer kit?

Whether you are looking to calm people standing near you in a public place, or you are trying to silence the cell rings being used at your business or learning institution, there’s lots of benefits to using cell phone jammer kit, knocking out cellular connections. Simultaneously, you need to do your home-work beforehand in order to make positive you buy a cell phone jammer kit that will properly fulfill your application.

You ought to also research the company you are thinking about purchasing from.  Do your homework and shop around before you buy a cell phone jammer kit from anyone!

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The legality of owning, using and selling cell phone jammer kit is different depending on where you live. Although its illegal to sell cell phone jammer kit here in the United States, you can basically purchase them from British, Israeli, and Asian electronic websites. Companies in the United Kingdom can sell jammers but it is illegal for civilians in the United Kingdom to make use of them. This odd legal paradox may sound familiar to individuals who own radar detectors here in the United States.

US civilians looking to acquire a cell phone jammer kit will must buy one from Europe or Asia. In the event you live in the United Kingdom, you can only buy a cell phone jammer kit in Asia. & you fortunately Asian residents can purchase cell phone jammer kit from the United Kingdom or elsewhere within Asia however this may vary from country to country.

Two great sites that sell cell phone jammer kit are (UK) and (US). Any site selling cell phone jammer kit will include legal notices to help customers understand any restrictions that may be in place. has this legal note on their web-site for UK customers:

Cell phone jammer kit is illegal to use in the UK as it violates sections 1 & 13 of the 1949 telegraphy act, we are therefore unable to supply cell phone jammer kit to any UK customer with the exception of certain military and government departments who have the necessary authorization from the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom). Please note that no exceptions can be made on this policy. has a similar note for US customers: Cell phone jammer kit is for sale only to united states government agencies & export customers. Exports are required to have state department approval (export license) – no exceptions.

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