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Posts Tagged ‘cell phone blocker

The use of cell phone blocker is prohibited in some countries. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they have the legal right to import these products before purchasing. Upon purchasing, the customer becomes wholly liable for any legal issues that may occur as a result of the importation and/or use of these products in the destination country.

Jamming equipment is illegal to use in the UK as it violates section 8 of the 2006 Wireless Telegraphy Act, any UK customer with the exception of certain military and government departments who have the necessary authorisation from the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) do not have the legal right to have one. Please note that no exceptions can be made on this policy.

Due to non CE approval of these products you can not purchase the cell phone blocker  into any European Union country.

If you are in North America,you  are advised to contact the FCC to ensure that you are legally allowed to import jammer products into the USA before purchasing.

The cell phone blocker uses three methods to interrupt the communication of mobile phones. Some are allowed in some public places like theaters or schools. To be eligible, a vice may not cause interference outside those covered by the scheme. Similarly, should comply with the regulations applicable to emergency calls. More importantly, this type of equipment shall only operate in frequency bands identified, without affecting other types of wireless communications (DECT phone, …), and Taik-talkie that could affect security in the building, for example , or block an emergency call could be for a very important or sensitive situation.

The polluter, which is the technique of interference from the most extreme. This case relatively little intelligence is constantly emitting a false signal on the same frequency as that of telephone relays. No calls, incoming or outgoing, are allowed to be in the range of the device. A range of 5-1 000 m, less aggressive techniques is based at the relays, allowing the phone to pass an emergency call, but prohibits incoming calls. Other systems, finally, blocking communication between a telephone relay operator by issuing a false signal, whatever the meaning of the communication is, but only after detecting a call.

Some institutions are already equipped with such systems.Sold $ 150 (unlicensed products) to more than $ 1500, cash in the market blur the GSM standards, MASC, TDMA, PCS, but UMTS and Wi-Fi. The scope of these devices vary according to their power, from five meters and can reach over 1,000 meters (usually for military applications).

Three techniques to disrupt communications

  1. Air Pollution: The area is covered by a type of gag polluter. All forms of communication from a mobile phone is impossible. In general, these devices, we can not guarantee that interference will not overflow outside the area in question.
  2. The management of interference with emergency calls, the chuck is equipped with a repeater, which recognizes that age is to call emergency services. The emergency call is allowed, but not to others, whether incoming or outgoing. The other radio signals (DECT, Wi-Fi, etc.) Do not interfere.
  3. Interference detection after the call: The gag is activated only when it detects a call (incoming or outgoing) and is not allowed in the area it covers. It then sends a signal type BCCH (channel of information between the cell and the mobile operator), so that cuts base station communication. The other radio signals are not interrupted.

So it is obvious that the second method is the most reliable and convenient for public use.

What’s the result if you use a cell phone blocker?

Some of you might know the device, cell phone blocker, although legal to sell, using jamming cell phone signals here in the United States is considered property theft by the FCC. An $11,000 fine and up to a year in prison for each offense makes owning one of these a risky proposition at best. But if this were legal, would you be tempted to own and use one? Would you use cell phone jammers if they were legal?

The cell phone blocker doesn’t come cheap and by using one, you risk not only breaking FCC laws, but perhaps causing an incident if its use messes with someone’s pacemaker or other signal-sensitive device. We do think in time, these devices in some form or another, might be necessary in a society where improper cell phone use in public spaces (even churches, libraries and museums!) is growing rampant.

The range the cell phone blocker covers

Most of these devices only affected 30-100 perimeters of dead space, but some more powerful government-grade units can kill a whole mile diameter (think Presidential motorcade), so one wonders what the real dangers are besides intrusion of freedom to use mobile devices. There might be a day similar to the time when smokers were made to partake in their habit in designated areas, with the introduction of cell-free dining zones…at least one could hope.
