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Technology is progressing today at a very high pace. Cell phones have serious security problems and are being very conveniently used as modes of cheating and other such activities. Even religious place such as churches also have not been spared of the cell phone chaos as people do not switch off their cell phones or put them in the silent mode during the prayers and so cause disturbance to everyone around. Over the last few decades we have seen the communication technology attaining another level with the evolution of mobile phones. The cell phones were welcomed with open arms by everyone because no one had then known that a cell phone could even become a pain in the neck at times. The above mentioned and many more reasons are said to be responsible for the evolution of a device called espow cell phone jammer.

The cell phones like a radio set work under a specified frequency and connect to the base stations via radio waves. The cell phones receive and transmit data and signals to the base stations. Here comes the use of cell phone jammer.  The compulsory prohibition of cell phones in a certain area can be achieved by the magnetic field formation that takes place. The cell phone jammer is used to make the phones inactive. The jammer does this by making the code or signals sent by the base stations to the cell phone unrecognizable therefore the cell phone is not able to operate as it is not able to receive any correct form of signal from the base station.

The cell phone blocker uses three methods to interrupt the communication of mobile phones. Some are allowed in some public places like theaters or schools. To be eligible, a vice may not cause interference outside those covered by the scheme. Similarly, should comply with the regulations applicable to emergency calls. More importantly, this type of equipment shall only operate in frequency bands identified, without affecting other types of wireless communications (DECT phone, …), and Taik-talkie that could affect security in the building, for example , or block an emergency call could be for a very important or sensitive situation.

The polluter, which is the technique of interference from the most extreme. This case relatively little intelligence is constantly emitting a false signal on the same frequency as that of telephone relays. No calls, incoming or outgoing, are allowed to be in the range of the device. A range of 5-1 000 m, less aggressive techniques is based at the relays, allowing the phone to pass an emergency call, but prohibits incoming calls. Other systems, finally, blocking communication between a telephone relay operator by issuing a false signal, whatever the meaning of the communication is, but only after detecting a call.

Some institutions are already equipped with such systems.Sold $ 150 (unlicensed products) to more than $ 1500, cash in the market blur the GSM standards, MASC, TDMA, PCS, but UMTS and Wi-Fi. The scope of these devices vary according to their power, from five meters and can reach over 1,000 meters (usually for military applications).

Three techniques to disrupt communications

  1. Air Pollution: The area is covered by a type of gag polluter. All forms of communication from a mobile phone is impossible. In general, these devices, we can not guarantee that interference will not overflow outside the area in question.
  2. The management of interference with emergency calls, the chuck is equipped with a repeater, which recognizes that age is to call emergency services. The emergency call is allowed, but not to others, whether incoming or outgoing. The other radio signals (DECT, Wi-Fi, etc.) Do not interfere.
  3. Interference detection after the call: The gag is activated only when it detects a call (incoming or outgoing) and is not allowed in the area it covers. It then sends a signal type BCCH (channel of information between the cell and the mobile operator), so that cuts base station communication. The other radio signals are not interrupted.

So it is obvious that the second method is the most reliable and convenient for public use.

Click cell phone jammer to buy one.

Is the cell phone jammer legal in your country?

Armenia : legal(citation needed)
Australia: illegal to operate, supply or possess
Belgium: illegal to sell, possess and operate (licensed part of the spectrum)
Canada: illegal, except by federal law-enforcement agencies who have obtained approval
People’s Republic of China: Used by the Education government department as a method of thwarting cheating in schools. During major end of year exams, mobile phone jammers are used in areas surrounding high schools to prevent students inside from receiving calls or text messages, which may be used for illicit purposes. In some municipalities however, rather than the use of jammers, mobile signal towers close to schools are temporarily shut down for the duration of the week as exams are in progress.
Czech Republic: illegal.
Denmark: illegal.
Finland: illegal.
France: France legalized cell-phone jammers in (movie) theaters and other places with performances in 2004. Abandoned due to complaints regarding emergency calls. Still legally used inside jails.
Germany: illegal, but installation in jails has been proposed.
India: Government, Religious Places, Prisons and Educational Institution use jammers.
Iran: illegal to operate by civilians but police forces and military. in electronic markets you can find a lot of models, made in China or India and there is no need for license paper (legal to own). In most of the jails, arresting house, libraries and university class-Romes is already using. Also in 2009 protest against election police forces used cellphone and blue-tooth jammers.
Ireland: illegal to operate. Legally used inside prisons by the Irish Prison Service.
Italy: technically not illegal to own, but illegal to operate, since the Italian law specifically prohibits to disturb radio and telephone communications. GSM jammers are however legal to be used in places like hospitals, churches, movie theatres and other places with performances, and other buildings where and when the use of mobile telephones may result in a leak of sensitive information: on such occasions, jammers are legal as long as their operation doesn’t interfere with electronic medical equipment (such as pace-makers) and allows mobile phones to make emergency calls. Tri-Band Jammers are reserved to, and in use with, the police forces and are being experimented in prisons.
Japan: illegal to use, but legal to own. Buying of mobile short range versions is allowed. Use of fixed high output jammers with long range is illegal, with fines of up to max $250,000USD and/or 5 years in prison.
Mexico: legal inside jails, often used also in churches and hospitals.
New Zealand: legal inside jails.
Norway: illegal to own and operate. The police and the military can use jammers in situations in which it is necessary.
Pakistan: legal inside banks, often used also in libraries.
Slovakia: illegal.
Switzerland: illegal.
Turkey: illegal. Only the police and the military use jammers.
Ukraine: legal, planned to be used in schools
United Kingdom: illegal to use, but legal to own. Installation in jails has been proposed
United States: Cell phone blocking devices are used by federal officials under certain circumstances. Privacy rights of property owners may affect the policy and application of law within buildings. Contact the FCC for permit applications and waivers. For radio communications, it is illegal to operate, manufacture, import, or offer for sale, including advertising (Communications Act of 1934). Blocking radio communications in public can carry fines of up to $11,000 or imprisonment of up to one year. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 may overide the Communications Act of 1934.

Should the cell phone jammer be legal?

As everyone knows that the cell phone jammer is not legal all of the world. How do you think about this? Do you think it should be legal in your country?

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WiFi jammer, bluetooth jammer, and wireless cell phone signal blocker are all built into oneunit. Suitable for worldwide use.

This cell phone signal blocker transmits on three primary frequencies to block all nearby. WiFi network activity, bluetooth devices, and wireless spy camera and audio signals.

Conduct your company presentation, meeting, worship service, legal proceedings, or other important activities with security and peace of mind. When the cell phone signal blocker is turned on, you have a 20 meter radius of security, and when you turn off the cell phone signal blocker, all the wireless network activity will automatically be re-established.

Prevent being filmed on covert cameras or recorded by wireless audio devices.

The technologies of WiFi, bluetooth, and cell-phone jamming are illegal in some countries and perfectly legal in others. In many countries, the legality depends on the application, with jamming applauded and protected where it prevents public nuisances or promotes safety, and prohibited and prosecuted when frivolous or vindictive. As you can imagine, there are a lot of legal gray areas; the technology and laws are still evolving.

Bluetooth and most WiFi signals operate on the 2.4 GHz band according to IEEE 802.11 standards. Most everyday cordless phones work on the same 2.4GHz frequency. With a little tweaking you can turn a cordless phone into a cell phone signal blocker.

You can jamme a WiFi or Bluetooth signal by using the following items:

  • a 2.4 GHz cordless phone
  • a CD-R (or DL DVD-R for longer range)
  • speaker wire
  • duct tape
  • screwdriver
  • scissors

What’s the result if you use a cell phone blocker?

Some of you might know the device, cell phone blocker, although legal to sell, using jamming cell phone signals here in the United States is considered property theft by the FCC. An $11,000 fine and up to a year in prison for each offense makes owning one of these a risky proposition at best. But if this were legal, would you be tempted to own and use one? Would you use cell phone jammers if they were legal?

The cell phone blocker doesn’t come cheap and by using one, you risk not only breaking FCC laws, but perhaps causing an incident if its use messes with someone’s pacemaker or other signal-sensitive device. We do think in time, these devices in some form or another, might be necessary in a society where improper cell phone use in public spaces (even churches, libraries and museums!) is growing rampant.

The range the cell phone blocker covers

Most of these devices only affected 30-100 perimeters of dead space, but some more powerful government-grade units can kill a whole mile diameter (think Presidential motorcade), so one wonders what the real dangers are besides intrusion of freedom to use mobile devices. There might be a day similar to the time when smokers were made to partake in their habit in designated areas, with the introduction of cell-free dining zones…at least one could hope.

Do you still remember wristwatches?

With the surge in smartphones and their instant access to time and other information, fewer people seem to wear a watch these days. However, bluetooth will bring a bright future for wristwatches.

Bluetooth 4.0 will bring a bright future to wristwatches

Thanks to the Bluetooth 4.0 specification approved. It specifies ways for making low-power wireless network connections over short distances.

That means a watch or other device with a standard coin-cell or “button” battery that is worn on a wrist, kept in a pocket or worn on a necklace could communicate with a person’s smartphone or laptop. Using the wireless connection, the watch could display data received from the larger device, Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Executive Director Michael Foley said Wednesday.

All sorts of small, low-power devices could rely on Bluetooth 4.0, including building sensors, laptops, fitness devices and TV and stereo remote controls, he said.

But the specification has sparked particular interest by watchmakers, who have seen young people, mostly between the ages of 14 and 30, give up their watches and telling time from a phone.

The specification opens up new categories of Bluetooth devices. You could replicate your phone on your watch for caller ID information or to activate a music player.”

Several watchmakers in Asia have expressed interest to the Bluetooth SIG about incorporating Bluetooth 4.0 in watches, which could begin appearing in 2011.

Bluetooth 4.0 uses less power than earlier versions by shutting down the Bluetooth radio as much as possible between uses and by reducing the number of signal “trips” required to set up and keep a connection between devices. Earlier versions of Bluetooth required several such trips; that number has been reduced to only one or two in Bluetooth 4.0, he said.

As for other uses, Bluetooth 4.0 could be used with sensors in a star topology where one or more of the sensors communicates with a central radio or controller. (Since the spec doesn’t allow sensors to pass data directly to each other, a different type of “mesh” design isn’t supported.) Star topologies with Bluetooth 4.0 could be used, for instance, by a company to take readings from thermostats or motion detectors.

Bluetooth 4.0 is also expected to compete against the Zigbee Alliance’s low-power networking specification in TV remote control and related devices.

In the meantime, several manufacturers have introduced wireless wrist watch cell phone based on cellular wireless connections, not Bluetooth. For example, LG Electronics showed a Touch Watch Phone at CES in 2009.

Many websites dedicated to the watch phone

Although it is entirely implausible that the watch phone will replace  the mobile phone one day, you can find many websites dedicated to the watch phone. In the spirit and also high-tech consulting, they offer you the best of the watch phone.

Many brands give serious thought to designing watches

Many brands give serious thought to designing watches: For example LG released the LG GD910, Samsung’s S9110, HYUNDAI  W100, and a new one appeared in the French beauty is with VEA Essential its models VEA, VEA and VEA Sport Moda.

The watch phone looks like an ordinary watch, but it is also a GSM mobile phone

The watch phone looks like a classic watch with the functions of an ordinary watch, but it is also a GSM mobile phone, with its menus, its messaging sms, mms, wap browser, the mp3 mp4 music or films containing many MB or GB of storage memory, the function of mega pixels camera, and often a headset (or Bluetooth) provided.The workings of the watch-phone is using a Stilette that are moved on the touch screen.

Considering everyone has a cell phone nowadays, a lot of people have stopped wearing watches because they can tell time on their phone. Do you still wear a watch along with having your cell phone? Can you understand those that do not anymore?

However, if you know there’s a gadget named watch phone, you will see that watch is out of fashion, but watch phone is becoming popular.

We can tell what is a watch phone from its name. It’s simple. This is a cell phone that you can wear on your wrist. Isn’t is convinient? If you have a watch phone, you will not confuse whether to wear a watch along with having your cell phone or not.

Visitors to the Samsung Techwin Europe Ltd. Stand (Number 213 in Hall 2) at this year’s Security Essen will have the opportunity to see the latest Samsung security products in the 2010 line-up, including new CCTV, IP, access control, video door intercom system and intruder detection ranges which can be used together to create a total security solution.

Available for full demonstration will be the latest Samsung cameras and domes featuring next generation DSP chipsets showing how enhanced resolution, leading low-light technology and built-in video analytics can bring major benefits to security installations both over analogue and IP networks.

In addition, Samsung will be demonstrating its latest ranges of H.264 compression digital video recorders and network video recorders which provide a fully scalable solution for virtually any recording requirement.

Also on show will be Samsung’s comprehensive new range of RFID and Biometric technology based access control systems, which provide a cost-effective solution for anything from a stand-alone single door solution through to large or multi-sited applications, whilst Samsung’s ultra-stylish video door intercom system offer visual and voice confirmation for single and multi-door commercial and residential properties.

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Whether you’re a bright-eyed freshman or a super senior, summer vacation will be over before you know it–so you’d better start your shopping soon. Check out Gearlog’s Back-to-School Essentials list pronto for the gadgets you’ll want on hand during the best years of your life.  Here are 5 essential gadgets for you back to school:

1. Laptop solar charger : You may genuinely care about saving energy; or maybe all your electric outlets are taken. In any case, you’ll find the laptop solar charger very useful, especially when your battery is low and you’re locked out because your roommate is…being tutored. This laptop solar charger with a powerful 16,000 mAh battery and 31 unique adapter tips will power and charge just about any portable electronic device, including your phone, GPS, camera, and MP3 player. $105 list.
16,000 mAh laptop solar charger

2. Droid Incredible by HTC (Verizon Wireless): Stay in touch with friends and family with the Droid Incredible. It’s a splurge, but this Droid is a powerful smart phone whose pristine 3.7-inch OLED touch screen and terrific call quality make it well worth the price. Just make sure your professor doesn’t see you texting in class. $299.99 list.

3. Robot vacuum cleaner: Between studying and socializing, who has time to vacuum? The Jetsons have robo-maid Rosie, and you can have this robot vacuum cleaner. This vacuum is smart enough to avoid doorways and  automatically sweep, vacuum and mop the floors at the same time. When its battery runs out after an hour, it can direct itself to its charger and power up. $315 list.

4. Skullcandy 50/50: Drown out the sound of people “studying” in the library, or pump yourself up while jogging with these headphones from Skullcandy. Priced at just under $50, you get a lot of bang for your buck: They’re excellent for bass-lovers and work wonderfully with your iPhone to take or end phone calls. Your ears will thank you. $49.95 list.

5. LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen: If you’re a budding reporter for the school newspaper or just trying to keep up with your chemistry professor’s auction chant, you might consider getting the LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen. The pen’s built-in camera picks up the microdots on custom paper notepad and digitally transcribes your notes. It also records audio while you write, so when you tap the pen anywhere on the page, you can hear exactly what was being said at the precise time you were writing. $199 list for 2GB, $149 for 1GB. Notepads are $19.95.
