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Video jammer has a fixed jamming distance from 5 to 10 meters radius. Espow video jammer utilizes unique and intelligent technique that avoid wireless data communication being collected secretly by competitor or business spy, physical protection for Bluetooth, and 802.11b/g WiFi communication.

Prevent PDA or video sends data or picture via Bluetooth or WLAN. Easily operated and user-friendly, no hassle installation needed, need no professional knowledge or skill, a portable device to suit everyone, everywhere and anytime.

Conference room and office where protect information being collected secretly. Government and military premises that should protect wireless data of WLAN, video, WiFi or Bluetooth communication.

We can use spy camera jammer for following area
For ICU & Operation Theaters
Church/Mosque/Cathedral/ Temple/ Religious establishment
To keep solemn mode in religious ceremony by removing unwanted noise of mobile phones
Libraries, Lecture Halls
Avoid interruption in reading acti spy video. Other public places such as Petroleum stations, seminar Rooms, banquet halls, schools, Military Establishments, Court Houses, Government Buildings, Casinos, Places of Worship (mosques, shrines, churches, temples, etc.), Theaters (concert halls, playhouses, opera houses, movie theaters, etc.), Business (conferences, board of directors rooms, seminars).
Movie Theaters/ cinemas
To avoid trouble of ringing mobile phones during the movie is on
Institutes / reading rooms
To maintain silence for study activities.

The cell phone blocker uses three methods to interrupt the communication of mobile phones. Some are allowed in some public places like theaters or schools. To be eligible, a vice may not cause interference outside those covered by the scheme. Similarly, should comply with the regulations applicable to emergency calls. More importantly, this type of equipment shall only operate in frequency bands identified, without affecting other types of wireless communications (DECT phone, …), and Taik-talkie that could affect security in the building, for example , or block an emergency call could be for a very important or sensitive situation.

The polluter, which is the technique of interference from the most extreme. This case relatively little intelligence is constantly emitting a false signal on the same frequency as that of telephone relays. No calls, incoming or outgoing, are allowed to be in the range of the device. A range of 5-1 000 m, less aggressive techniques is based at the relays, allowing the phone to pass an emergency call, but prohibits incoming calls. Other systems, finally, blocking communication between a telephone relay operator by issuing a false signal, whatever the meaning of the communication is, but only after detecting a call.

Some institutions are already equipped with such systems.Sold $ 150 (unlicensed products) to more than $ 1500, cash in the market blur the GSM standards, MASC, TDMA, PCS, but UMTS and Wi-Fi. The scope of these devices vary according to their power, from five meters and can reach over 1,000 meters (usually for military applications).

Three techniques to disrupt communications

  1. Air Pollution: The area is covered by a type of gag polluter. All forms of communication from a mobile phone is impossible. In general, these devices, we can not guarantee that interference will not overflow outside the area in question.
  2. The management of interference with emergency calls, the chuck is equipped with a repeater, which recognizes that age is to call emergency services. The emergency call is allowed, but not to others, whether incoming or outgoing. The other radio signals (DECT, Wi-Fi, etc.) Do not interfere.
  3. Interference detection after the call: The gag is activated only when it detects a call (incoming or outgoing) and is not allowed in the area it covers. It then sends a signal type BCCH (channel of information between the cell and the mobile operator), so that cuts base station communication. The other radio signals are not interrupted.

So it is obvious that the second method is the most reliable and convenient for public use.

The first jammer in the world with the refrigerator and the air openings of the main producers of cell phone jammer on the market. Disable all telephone conversations within a radius of 10 meters. It can be used to protect your privacy or to stop unwanted calls in the area. Some of the salient features like strong rubber antennas never break, fresh air slots that make the fan works effectively and many others make this jammer # 1 in the world. We also offer free shipping worldwide and guaranteed for 6 months.

Ever had one of those friends who always seemed to be text messaging all the time is hanging out with you? Would not it be great if you could just cut the cell phone signal, forcing them to leave their phone for a bit? Or how about killing the phone signal in a theater, so you do not have to listen to someone of Rick Astley tone halfway through your film? All you need is this stylish cell phone jammer Painting.

This piece of art rather general, does much more than sitting on the wall and looks slightly interesting. You can block signals from different cell phone frequencies. You can choose to block specific, and if you want to block for a while, or until you decide to turn it off. All this is controlled from a remote control, allowing it to be rather discreet about things. At a price of $ 150 for a device that can block signals within a radius of 80 meters, I can not think of a lot of people (mostly businesses) who would love to get their hands on one.

Unfortunately there is a tiny stick that will prevent a lot of people buy and use the device. I’m no legal expert, but I think it is illegal to block mobile phone signals in the U.S.. I can see why these things would be a problem, after all, a radius of 80 meters could easily spread to another person’s home, leaving them without a sign. If you live in the U.S. (Or another country with similar laws), I recommend choosing one of these.

A comprehensive list makes it simple to size the following; electricity generators like solar charger and wind turbines, charge controllers for regular electricity, solar charger or wind turbines to handle the charging of the battery bank, the battery bank and the power inverters. Incorrect energy analysis and/or backup time calculations will certainly lead to disappointments and wasted money.

As the cost of energy from conventional sources like fossil fuel & coal continues to increase & the necessity to reduce the level of carbon emission that is being argued as being the major cause of global warming remains a popular agenda, the necessity to turn to renewable energy becomes the only viable & sustainable alternative or solution. What this means is that people, organizations & nations continue to look for ways to cost effectively create or implement alternative energy solutions that would work side by side the regular or existing sources of energy & in some cases become complete replacements where energy (read electricity) is generated, stored (if require be) & utilized independent of the typical grid.

Technology solar charger: The type & guaranteed maximum power output under normal operating conditions ought to be known, not results of tests carried out in laboratories under ideal conditions as such conditions usually are not available outside the controlled lab surroundings.

Wind turbines: Issues such as the horizontal and vertical clearances, rated power output under normal operating conditions and ease of access in case of repairs or need for maintenance must be known and provided for.

Batteries: Your alternative energy project is only as lovely as the state of charge of your battery bank. Deep cycle batteries are well suited for backup applications unless you don’t mind having your batteries replaced after every few months.

Battery chargers or charge controllers: These must be rated properly to handle the charging of the batteries in any given battery bank irrespective of voltage level without destroying the batteries either by over charging or under charging. Either way you will damage the battery that over charging speeds up the process.

Power inverters: These ought to be rated to handle not the normal operating power but the beginning power of all the electrical and/or electronic appliances connected to them for inductive and capacitive lots. Modified sine wave inverters ought to not be used for sensitive medical equipment and laser copiers. Needless to state this, make sure that you receive a significant warranty and be prepared to take legal actions or seek refunds if burnt or short changed.

So, it is clear that getting an alternative energy project up and walking is not a matter of prices and promises as a pricey project could crash in a matter of weeks and most of the time unrealistic promises usually lead to immense disappointments and wasted funds. Alternative energy makes sense and it is cost effective and reliable if handled by competent providers who will insist on a high level of professional integrity at all times.

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Function of the phone on the market today really is increasing touch-screen appearance as the trend, while function is more intelligent.People high-tech experience of its results but there is an important parameter is to gradually lowering the that stand up, be said that more powerful mobile phone standby capacity will be more severe test. The problem is the standby handsets in recent years, a short board. However, after several years of preparation of an ultra-cheap solar Samsung mobile phone E1107(Parameters offer pictures Forum) Came to Zhongguancun, function and simple, a series of solar charging.You can use solar charger for laptop. Then what kind of performance we will look together.

Mobile Positioning Quote: solar low-end phones Price: 350 yuan

Mobile phone for people: low-end outdoor workers

Mobile distinct characteristics: solar charger

1.the overall appearance:
Samsung E1107 is a candy bar design mobile phone, the whole body is black, and evaluation before we have had in protection against mobile phone B2211 has a very high similarity.On the screen, the Samsung E1107 is equipped with a 60 005 1000 1.52-inch color screen, 128 × 128 resolution of the pixels, obviously, and now mainstream mobile phone configuration is worse than a long time.However, the more the screen configuration, the lower the power of solar charging to play.  Next, the phone’s keypad area, E1107 is a rubber material used in the keyboard, feel soft, but Cap large area, according to them is also more easily in the. This design can also be used outdoors when the keyboard to prevent dust entering inside.
Then on the back of the phone is a highlight of this machine, behind the battery cover in place is equipped with a solar panel, accounting for about 70% of the area, from a battery outside the E1107 can also get additional power from here.  In the solar panel at the top there is a “SOLAR” word logo, represents the mean solar panels. In the panel there is a circle around the silver border for decoration, the design is still very do. Printed in the bottom of the fuselage of a “SAMSUNG” in the logo, signs of a triangular small arrow below to tell us the battery cover will take off down the rub.

2.around the fuselage:
Next, look around the mobile phone design, the top of the phone is a flashlight, LED materials is done at a time when outdoor work may play a role, compared to a single mobile phone functions, the flashlight can be said One of the more useful features. Body can be seen in the bottom of a hole for the calls, to a certain extent, improve call quality, but also has a hanging hole in the bottom right corner, but the view of the phone itself is very small body does fit “is link “look. In the fuselage on the left only one data line interface, using the company’s unique interface which can access the data lines and the charger, the unit does not support 3.5mm headset interface functions to achieve the most concise. The right side of the body in terms of relative left without any interface, only on top of the screen on the right to have a label, not much effect, feeling more beautiful effect. Open the phone’s battery cover and find the top of the phone has two metal contacts, which is behind the body and the connection part of the solar version.Batteries built this machine a 800mAh lithium ion battery, from the point of view is still very general parameters. The internal battery compartment is the sim card slot, the design is very simple. Here we also found that the machine does not support memory card expansion, the function has been reduced to a minimum. Phone does not support music player and video player.

Although the function of this machine is very low, but there are some practical, in Jiugongge interface can be seen in built FM radio and calendar, application procedures, including the calculator, converter, flashlight, timer, stopwatch. Application directory,support camouflage calls, calendar and built-in two games.

Stand, build on the mobile phone 800mAh lithium-ion batteries and super-simple functions, E1107 estimate of pure standby for a week not a problem, What is usually prepared not live up automatically using solar power. If you have more frequent telephone messages, then it should stand for three days is not difficult, performance is quite good.

Custom Solar Charger 1 billion degrees in power

As the World Expo, the consumer products of concern about low-carbon environment more and more. Concept for the practice green, Gome has also been actively involved in the development of green solar panel laptop charger, production and sales. It is reported that the release of custom GOME solar charger with intelligent regulation function, can automatically adjust different output voltage and current for MP3, MP4, PDA, digital cameras, mobile phones and other products, especially for travel, tourism, long-distance by travel, field work and other outdoor environments.

It is reported that, similar to the solar cell phone charger is the first time such a low-carbon products in the large-scale sales of home appliance chain in the country. Shanghai World Expo as the largest household appliance manufacturing and retail concessions, the United States from each country to start actively promoting the details of low-carbon environment appliance quick access to consumers at home.

Devaluation customized tablet PCs

Apple iPad’s hot-selling tablet PCs as the focus of the global electronics industry. Back in April there will be custom media sales came Gome own brand Tablet PC news, attracted industry attention. Over two months later after the official release of the fly Gome touch Tablet PC, the product is the country the United States to join hands in Taiwan R & D and manufacturing company VIA chip jointly developed by the channel to customize the Tablet PC is the first time in China, The product has a comprehensive listing of July 1.

Tablet PC is a mobile commerce, mobile communications and mobile entertainment, with handwriting recognition and wireless network communication capabilities. It is reported that the U.S. fly touch FlyTouch country Tablet PC using Google Android operating system, the set of immediate concern to most consumers e-books, electronic album, electronic turntables, electronic cinema, VoIP, gaming, online chat and other functions in one. Flying Tablet PC with 7-inch touch screen, easy to carry anywhere. In addition, the flying touch Tablet PC also has video camera function, which is most of the Tablet PC is not available.

Treasure franchise’s first World Expo released mobile phone

Treasure Treasure the image of the mobile phones made of mobile phone shell – eyes designed camera phone; mouth is a speaker phone with built-in player and Treasure Expo music; Bob is the phone cable … … the difference is that the general function of the phone , Treasure Expo phone network can be a key to enter the world, choose to watch the World Expo venues, and can view download the Expo pictures, music and video. After the Shanghai World Expo, and many venues will be gradually removed, and cell phone pocket Treasure Expo features but can all the collection of images of the World Expo in the phone. Another addition to handheld Expo function, the phone also has a dual card dual standby, touch pen, the first high-definition camera, real-time chat and other useful features.

More info about solar energy at:

Taking into account cost savings, government regulations and environmental protection, many data centers are considering using solar energy to run power to them.

Examples of such data centers are in St. Louis, Emerson data center in Oregon to Intel  Data Center, in Phoenix of the Google headquarters and i / o data centers.

Emerson has a roof panel array that can provide 100 kilowatts, about 13% of the total energy demand. Google Inc. Headquarters (Googleplex) has a 1.6 megawatt solar panel array, Intel have been in Oregon and New Mexico has established a 100 kW and a 10-kilowatt solar panel array. New data center is located in Rio Rancho, which has 64 Sharp solar panels.  California in Romoland has a 2000-square-foot data center, it is 120 PV-powered. Manager Phil Nail called it completely “green.”

Various government rebates, tax incentives and other concessions available to solar power, which makes data centers to benefit from these policies. For example, such as California, New Jersey, Arizona and Nevada, providing various incentives for the use of solar energy, such as: costs and federal tax discounts.

With energy conservation and the need to find and use the enhanced awareness of alternative energy sources, more and more people are likely to use photovoltaic cells and solar charger to power. The move also makes sense, because it will return to the enterprise , the enterprise benefits. In addition, thanks to China’s products to enter the market, so we are concerned about the price of solar panels are also dropping. Perhaps the full use of solar energy also take some time, because the data center requires a lot of energy to support its server operation and equipment cooling. Lots of solar panels can only provide a fraction of the energy needed.

According to Emerson responsible for IT strategic planning Keith Gislason above, reached by a new power (SunTec Power) to install solar panels in return, a rough estimate is that 20 years. He also said that the costs associated with the mounting plate turned out to be higher than the listed price is also lower.

More infor about solar at


BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhuanet) — The world’s largest stand alone integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) project started transmitting power to the grid in Shanghai on Sunday in another move showcasing China’s commitment to reduced carbon emissions.

The 6.68-megawatt solar system can produce 6.3 million kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity per year to meet the needs of 12,000 Shanghai households. It will cut coal consumption by 2,254 tons, while reducing carbon emissions by 6,600 tons.

The project has been installed on the awnings on both sides of the newly completed Hongqiao Station of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. Its 20,000 solar panels cover a roof area of 61,000 sq m and have produced 300,000 kwh power since the 160 million-yuan project began operation two weeks ago.

“The project is another manifestation of China’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions to fight climate change. It comes after the country set a voluntary target of cutting carbon intensity per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020,” said Yu Hailong, general manager of the Beijing-based China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP), the project’s developer.

“As a pilot project, it will help stimulate the development of solar energy in China and promote the construction of more environmentally friendly railway stations,” he said.

Chief engineer of the Ministry of Railway Zheng Jian said China will further encourage BIPV implementation at railway stations, which serve as an ideal vehicle to promote the technology.

A 2.2-MV BIPV system has also been installed at the Wuhan Station of the Wuhan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway. The system was connected to the national grid in May, CECEP deputy manager Chen Shuguang said.

“BIPV technology does not take up extra space, because it is integrated into buildings’ design and construction. It is especially suitable for China’s eastern areas, where there are limited land resources yet greater energy demand,” Chen said.

The development of renewable energy has been topping the central government’s agenda. It aims to have an installed capacity of 20 gigawatts of solar units and 100 gigawatts of wind power by 2020, official statistics show.

A number of world-class pilot projects have been completed this year in Shanghai, which is hosting the World Expo 2010.

They include the 4.6-MV solar energy generation system installed in the Expo Garden and China’s first offshore wind farm, the 102-MV Donghai Bridge wind power project, which started transmitting electricity to the national grid in early July.

The government is also tendering for bids to develop 13 solar power projects with a combined capacity of 280 megawatts in the western regions, following last year’s bidding for a 10-megawatt solar power plant in Gansu province’s Dunhuang.

But Song Aizhen, of the solar energy branch of CECEP, said the government needs to come up with more detailed subsidy plans for renewable energies to encourage more active corporate investment.

“Take solar energy for instance – its cost is already three times that of thermal power, and BIPV technologies are even more expensive,” she said.

More info about solar charger for laptop at

Chandigarh The UT Administration has adopted the theme, ‘generating electricity from solar power’, under the Solar City initiative, for which a proposal has been made before the Union government for its approval. According to the draft plan, which proposes to accord Chandigarh a solar city status, the UT Administration has recommended energy efficiency measures for the residential and commercial sectors of the city. The plan was finalised after discussion with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

“You install solar panels and generate electricity for your house or commercial establishment. The surplus energy generated can be transmitted to a common grid, and its value shall be deducted from the monthly electricity bill of the generating source (electricity connection holder),” said a senior UT official.

Sources said that various government institutions, nationalised banks and certain private players are also in the process of generating electricity through solar power, for which talks are on with the UT Administration. “We are going to present a proposal to the Administration for allowing us to generate electricity required for all our premises in Chandigarh through solar power. The surplus energy generated by us can be transmitted to the national grid,” said a senior official of State Bank of India.

The solar city project will be funded by the Government of India, with a matching grant by the Administration or the municipal corporation, depending on who takes up the project as the nodal agency.

According to the plan, finalised by the Chandigarh Renewable Energy Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST) and the Department of Science and Technology, certain changes have been recommended for commercial, residential and government buildings.

As per Engineering Department (Electricity wing), UT Administration, the maximum electricity demand of the city has been reported as 284 MW; the average power requirement is approximately 3.25 MU (mega units) per day. Since Chandigarh has no generating capacity of its own, it gets 67 per cent of its power through Mohali (Punjab State Electricity Board), about 10 per cent through Dhulkote (Bhakra Beas Management Board) and remaining 23 per cent through Nalagarh. The transmission and distribution losses have been reported as 18.67 per cent by the Engineering department.

By implementing the solar city initiative, the Administration plans to reduce the city’s energy consumption by 10 per cent in 2012 and 20 per cent by 2018.

The Administration would require around Rs 30-35 crore per year, till the completion of the middle-phase (by 2012) of the project. Prototype buildings shall also be promoted, which shall be a benchmark for energy conservation in the city. “We have sent the plan to the Union government. It is likely to be approved soon,” said Sanjay Kumar, Secretary (Engineering), UT Administration.

More info about solar charger at

If your always travelling and require a portable multi charger with solar panel, then look no further.  I have been using the portable charger over a week now and I must say it is very handy and useful.

The Evolution 2500 solar charger from Powerfreakz can be charged by mains, via PC or Laptop via its USB connection or wait for it by our natural light (so useful when your at airports or out in the park).

In the box you get all types of different connectors (see pictures) and its been really useful as i have been able to charge my Blackberry Bold 9700 and my Digital Camera. It can charge any mobile or smart phone up to 4 times, very useful as at times you forget to charge up the portable charger and then when try to use it, it is drained of power.

It has a snazzy illuminating led indicator on the front and lights up when charging, great feature as it is useful to see when if the device is charging and when its fully charged.

It also comes with a compact little bag to carry the USB connectors and the device. After using this a number of times I must say this is one of the best portable solar charge I have come across, and the price is even better.

More info about solar charger at:
