Solargoods's Blog

GPS Signal Blocker Protects Your Privacy

Posted on: September 17, 2010

The  Tangreat TG-110C 5~15m GPS Signal Blocker Jammer(1500mhz-1600mhz)  is of great help for those who worry about the use of GPS trackers or spy recorders around their area.  Are you looking for such product? Protect your total privacy with this  cell phone blocker will solve you problem.  With a great coverage, this GPS frequency jammer is powerful enough for your special using. This GPS jammer guards effectively against GPS satellite positioning tracking which protects your privacy and confidentiality of information. With a small size, this GPS frequency jammer is light weight and easy to carry. Moreover, adopted the perfect jamming technology, this GPS frequency jammer works perfect to cut cell phone signal around.

The 0~30m 10W Adjustable Strength Remote Control 3G Cell Phone Signal Blocker CTS-JRX not only can be used in where should be free from cellular phone communication such as theatres, cinemas, museums, art galleries, conference rooms, offices, libraries, schools, restaurants and high security premises etc, but also in hospitals, medical centers or where medical instruments should not be disturbed by cell phone signal. This product can adjustment for each antenna. Possible to adjust output (cover range)From Min. 0 Watt to 3 Watt per each antenna.

It doesn’t get more powerful than the High Power Mobile Phone Jammer when you need to instantly jam any mobile phone signal. Built with two fans and a heatsink chip for maximum heat dissipation, this jammer was meant to last for long periods of time and jam whatever you need, when you need. Best of all, it comes with 4 powerful antennas and 10 Watts of output power that will even jam strong signals that usually cannot be stopped by the lower 3-5 Watt versions.

3 Responses to "GPS Signal Blocker Protects Your Privacy"

Use one of those in the US and you could be in some trouble. The Communications act of 1934 pretty much outlaws that and could also be seen to include GPS jammers. You will also be exposed to a tremendous amount of civil liability, especially if someone attempts to make a call to a 911 style number, or if it interferes with say, the gps trackers installed on high risk parolee or bail subjects.

A beautiful definition. I am totally inspired.

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