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Archive for September 2010

cell phone jammers

Sometimes, you just want to disable all cellular communications in the immediate vicinity. You may run a movie theater or an expensive restaurant, or you just may be quite particular about good manners and want to discourage your guests from the rude and annoying habit of answering cell phone calls in your home. Which of these gadgets would you most like to use to keep unwanted cell traffic out of your area?

No one can deny the fact that with the advancement of technologies, our privacy retreats. In fact, there are a number of devices which have been introduced to spy and pry our daily movements and activities. GPS is a technology that enables employers, parents and jealous lovers to track our movements by logging into a GPS tracking system at cost effective rates. The GPS (Global Positioning System) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) that employs a constellation of at least 24 medium Earth orbit satellites that transmit exact microwave signals, hence the system enables a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction and time. However, if you do not want to get determined your vehicle’s location and direction, then you can buy GPS jammer.

Mobile phone jammers is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals from or transmitting signals to base stations.

With the help of a cell phone jammer or GPS jammer, your life will be better.

phone jammer

Should cell phone jammer be used in workplace? To avoid that all mobile phones in and adds them to serve. If mobile reception interfere with your business and prepare them for service, yes, it could be a legal problem for you  more likely than civilians.

Often you feel it embarrassing when your cell phone starts ringing at a time you are in a very important meeting or in seclusion with your loved one. You have bulk of works to do and you don’t want any kind of disturbance, how could you prevent? Well, you might be thinking to switch off your cell to get out of the problem. All right, this is indeed a nice way out to keep yourself unperturbed. However, there is an alternate option to impede disturbances without even turning off your mobile phones. Cell phone jammer, a device that lets you control the situation by preventing cellular phone from receiving and transmitting the mobile signals.

Cell phone jammers were originally introduced for the military to interrupt communications by criminals. The device has now become a most necessity for the society since many places such as, church, hospital, theatres and libraries demand silence. With this jamming device on hand, you can shut up a loudmouth on the phone and set for a meeting, a personal date or any other meeting that would otherwise turn obnoxious with the buzzing of a cell phone.

Of late, there is a wide spectrum of jamming devices available ranging from portable handhelds to larger fixed models. The mini cellular size phone jammer will provide security for a range of about 30 feet and a more robust and bigger cellular phone jammer will cover a radius of about 100 feet. While there are some other models of the device such as radar phone jammers, mini portable cell jammers, etc. Each of these has different purposes and comes with variety of ranges.

Mobile phone jammers are not only an important device to cut cell phone signals, but, it can also be a priceless gift for your dear ones. Portable phone jammers are easy to afford and have very good prospects. To get more information about the device, just check on the internet with the keyword ‘Cell Phone Jammer’ and you will get every bit of knowledge you want to acquire about the product.


Cell phone blocker laws vary throughout the world

The laws about cell phone blocker are different in parts of the world. In the UK and Japan, for example, anyone can have a cell phone blocker – as long as they do not use it.

Dozens of countries, including Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Turkey and others, to police or prison officials to use jammers.

Schools in China and India to stop fraudsters using jammers. Mexico to allow jammers in churches and hospitals. Interference with and Pakistan to allow banks and libraries.

Most countries, including the United States, using cell phone jammers to prevent bomb triggered by anti-government leader of the attack. As the president took office, he walked down Pennsylvania Avenue, all the phones are crowded in the area. U.S. military use of jammers to stop roadside bombs in Iraq.

Cell phone jammer is very illegal in the US

Block cell phones is illegal in the United States,very illegal. And not just ordinary citizens. This theater and the restaurant owner unlawful interference call, and even state and local police or prison officials. In fact, in the United States has been interfering cell call in the fight against strict laws around the world.

U.S. law prohibits not only buy, sell, carry or own a cell phone blocker, but also posted a Craigslist ad, claiming that you sell one. If you are a disturbance to be exposed, you will face a fine of up to 11 000 dollars and up to one year in prison.

Mobile phone blocker for the ban is not new. In fact, it is moldy old Communications Act of 1934, prohibits any interference with radio communications business, the law is not only early, but the cell phone shielding device itself.

In our life , There are more and more car accidents to happen . When we refer to the causes of the reasons , you automatically think of seat belts, following the speed limit, or using your blinkers. However , there are seldom people to think that cell phone is also one of the reason to become one of the top causes of automobile accidents!

As we all know , if a driver has a talk in driving , it’s very easy for them to cause the car accident . Yes ,from the daily experience , you can get the result easily . Every day someone is killed because a driver was using a cell phone and became distracted from the task of driving. Our vehicles can be dangerous weapons if we let them be, and a driver needs to concentrate on the road every single second. What’s more , drivers talking on their phones are a danger not only to themselves but also others. The federal and state governments are doing what they can in trying to minimize the danger by banning driving and cell phone use but it all starts with you .

However , the new product , cell phone jammer , will prohibit such things to happen . The working principle of cell phone blocker is that the mobile phones transmit different frequencies for talking & listening, the cell phone jamming device takes extra burden of jamming both types of signals so as to interrupt the communication successfully. Even when only one frequency gets blocked by the jammer, the cell phone is made to think that it can’t catch the frequency of that of the service provider & is said to not reach our range

Thus , in order to assure you and other people’s safety , you’d better use the cell phone jammer to minimize the accidents to happen that are caused by mobile phones.

Mobile cell phone jammer with complete spectrum interference and long jamming range of up to 10 meters. If you are sick of all those phones going off, then this is the anti-spy gadget you have been looking for. This jammer system comes with a built in rechargeable Li-ion battery for hours of signal jamming, and with the included car power adapter, recharge and use this in your car as well as the office. Incredibly easy to operate, just switch it on and it will immediately start blocking CDMA, GSM, DCS and 3G to keep your immediate surrounds annoyance free.

by Leigh Gomez

Effective communication determines the outcome of people’s lifetheir prosperity and misfortune, their very being and death. To allow a civilian to regulate communication via a cell phone jammer is like playing Russian roulette.

phone jammer

The increasingly popular yet illegal device prevents mobile phones from transmitting and receiving signals to base stations. This mechanism does not, however, have the capability to target specific mobile phones. This leaves room for innocent bystanders to fall victim to this gadget.

The pool of plain clothed, disregarded citizens may include: a doctor, journalist, pregnant woman, and police officer. Fifteen minutes of dead air time is a recipe for disaster. Think about it.

The pregnant woman’s water breaks. The doctor calls the hospital for assistance in delivering the baby but there’s no signal. The policeman fails to reach the emergency medical services to escort the woman now in labor. The journalist recognizes the woman is someone famous but can’t call his editor to put the story on the Associated Press wire.

Their lives and careers could be compromised within minutes most likely because a commuter got annoyed by a nearby, prattling teenager. That is intolerable.

There are alternatives to eliminate undesirable actions. Users of this intrusive device must remember that, which includes: owners of restaurants and cafes, public speakers, commuters who use public transportation, librarians, teachers, etc.

Post a policy: “cell phone use prohibited. Those in violation will be asked to leave” in eateries and libraries. Implement guidelines that allow teachers to confiscate mobile phones if used in classrooms, or lower ones grades. Politely ask someone to lower his or her voice.

The Safe Prisons Communication Act is depicted as a “heaven sent” solution to block cell phone calls from inmates using cell phone jammers. The proposed legislation was introduced Jan. 15 into both houses of Congress.

The resolution seems great it can reduce organized crime and harassment behind bars. However, there’s one crucial glitch government officials mustn’t overlook.

The equipment will shut down all communication within the jail cell including that of prison guards and employees. This will undoubtedly result in one jam they cannot get themselves out of.

Security measures would have to be reevaluated, new ones implemented, and funds provided to do so. Prison workers must be able to communicate with each other at all times. Until technology advances, cell phone jammers must remain illegal in the United States of America.

The  Tangreat TG-110C 5~15m GPS Signal Blocker Jammer(1500mhz-1600mhz)  is of great help for those who worry about the use of GPS trackers or spy recorders around their area.  Are you looking for such product? Protect your total privacy with this  cell phone blocker will solve you problem.  With a great coverage, this GPS frequency jammer is powerful enough for your special using. This GPS jammer guards effectively against GPS satellite positioning tracking which protects your privacy and confidentiality of information. With a small size, this GPS frequency jammer is light weight and easy to carry. Moreover, adopted the perfect jamming technology, this GPS frequency jammer works perfect to cut cell phone signal around.

The 0~30m 10W Adjustable Strength Remote Control 3G Cell Phone Signal Blocker CTS-JRX not only can be used in where should be free from cellular phone communication such as theatres, cinemas, museums, art galleries, conference rooms, offices, libraries, schools, restaurants and high security premises etc, but also in hospitals, medical centers or where medical instruments should not be disturbed by cell phone signal. This product can adjustment for each antenna. Possible to adjust output (cover range)From Min. 0 Watt to 3 Watt per each antenna.

It doesn’t get more powerful than the High Power Mobile Phone Jammer when you need to instantly jam any mobile phone signal. Built with two fans and a heatsink chip for maximum heat dissipation, this jammer was meant to last for long periods of time and jam whatever you need, when you need. Best of all, it comes with 4 powerful antennas and 10 Watts of output power that will even jam strong signals that usually cannot be stopped by the lower 3-5 Watt versions.

The Gauntlet watch phone reaches a new level of style and performance. This ultra stylish watch phone is jam packed with all the features you would expect in a top of the line cellphone but in a convenient watch form factor.

If you thought touchscreen was only for mobile phones then think again. This brilliant gadget has a colorful 1.3 color touch screen that is surprisingly simple to navigate and can be easily accessed even without the use of the built in stylus! The touchscreen is pressure sensitive and responds to your command quickly and without fault. This is truly a high quality screen that performs just as well as the big boys!

The Gauntlet watch phone functions as a portable mp4 player as well. With the built in media player you are able to effortlessly play your favorite music, movies or pictures, all with the simple tap of the touch screen! Just plug this watch phone into your computer via USB cable and load your favorite media files onto the mini SD card. The audio can be played through the included Bluetooth earpiece set, wired earphones or directly through the built in speaker.

The Gauntlet watch phone comes with a built in camera, Bluetooth ear piece, 1GB mini SD card, video camera, FM radio and quad band GSM connectivity. When most watch phones would have ended their features list here, the Gauntlet continues to amaze us with its impressive array of useful features.

When it comes to build quality the Gauntlet watch phone makes no compromises. This elegant 160 gram watch is constructed using only top grade materials such as stainless steel casing and wrist band as well as high quality electronics and crystal clear touchscreen. The feel of this watch is the same you would expect from watches costing more than 5x the amount. Solid build quality, beautiful looks and fully functional electronics make for an unbeatable combination of quality, style and convenience that is sure to set the standard for high quality watchphones.

Just turn on this Palm Mini Cell Phone Signal Blocker,it will jam all cell phones signal within range of 3 m (no one can make or receive any phone calls within range of 3 m from the jammer). In other words, no one can use a cell phone in range of 3 m from the jammer. The outstanding palm mini cell phone signal blocker allows you disable cell phone signals, even in the areas is full bars receiption. Prevents eavesdropping using cellular telephones in meeting rooms, homes, office etc.

The palm mini cell phone signal blocker can also be used where disturbance from phones are not allowed such as in theatres, meeting rooms, class rooms, libraries, etc. The palm mini cell phone signal blocker truly is pocket size,  solid quality, reliable, super simple to use. Taking use of super-high frequency and mini-power interfer -ence technology, high efficiency. Effectively making subsections, just interfering downlink and no interception on the base station. Extreme portability. Electric battery life: With timer mode approximately 150 times, approximately with continual ON 4 hours.

It seems that the James Bond movies inspired a lot of people. Do you think that everything is possible, including a watch phone possibly inspired by the British spy hero?

Here came up with a Bluetooth-capable timepiece that connects to your cellphone, functioning as a hands-free device. This quad-band gsm watch cell phone comes with a touchscreen display as well as multimedia playback capability, although you would not appreciate watching Avatar on such a tiny 1.3″ display. Still, it sports an integrated digital camera, a Bluetooth connection, a miniSD memory card slot for expansion purposes and an integrated FM radio. Looks like phone watches are set to be a niche market for a long time, since it isn’t all that practical no matter how many features you cram inside.

The watch phone is exactly that, it’s a watch that’s a phone. Not only that, but it’s also a watch that’s a phone with video calling. Yes, you are not only able to voice call someone using the watch, but also video-call that very person if they have a compatible device – it’s like living in the future, if it wasn’t so bleak and horrible right now.

The use of cell phone blocker is prohibited in some countries. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they have the legal right to import these products before purchasing. Upon purchasing, the customer becomes wholly liable for any legal issues that may occur as a result of the importation and/or use of these products in the destination country.

Jamming equipment is illegal to use in the UK as it violates section 8 of the 2006 Wireless Telegraphy Act, any UK customer with the exception of certain military and government departments who have the necessary authorisation from the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) do not have the legal right to have one. Please note that no exceptions can be made on this policy.

Due to non CE approval of these products you can not purchase the cell phone blocker  into any European Union country.

If you are in North America,you  are advised to contact the FCC to ensure that you are legally allowed to import jammer products into the USA before purchasing.
